Rail movement and track construction made easier

Our rail handling and movement equipment is streamlining track maintenance and construction projects around the globe – improving safety, creating efficiencies, and reducing costs.

DavRail, Inc.’s offering of the Trac Rail Transposer is a safe and efficient way to transport, remove and install lengths of rail and associated iron work under live Overheard Line Equipment and Catenary.

The TRT™ removes and installs all profiles of rail and can work on all gauge of track. Multiple TRTs can be used to move long lengths of rail as well as transport, remove and install associated iron work like switches and crossings. The product is fully approved to operate in both North America and South America.


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Proven ultra reliable during 15 years of operation.

Can easily cross multiple tracks, including areas with conductor rails, without fear of damaging the rail.

Approved to work under live Overhead Line Equipment (OLE), Any Line Open working (ALO), and Catenary.

Capable of threading rail past line side equipment and masts without fear of damage.

Removes, transposes, moves, and installs rail in a safe, controlled manner by remote control.

Compact size and maneuverability allows rapid deployment and recovery, even in confined spaces like tunnels and bridges.

Ideal for use on both single line and multiple track layouts.

Its low gross weight means no Commercial Driver’s License is needed for transportation.